Research by psychologist Martin Seligman, gratitude can increase happiness and help you sleep! Writing “3 Good Things” every day before going to bed allows people to turn their attention to the positive.
New York, NY (The CTP News) – Do you have trouble sleeping because of stress? There are differences in social culture and work pressure in various countries, which indirectly affects people’s sleep satisfaction. In 2020, the sleep satisfaction reported by adults around the world will vary greatly. For example, in India, two-thirds of people are satisfied with their sleep, while less than one-third think they have a high-quality sleep in Japan.
Want to improve sleep quality, must reduce worry and stress. What can we do? Psychologist Martin Seligman has been studying positive psychology for a long time and advocates that people exercise “3 Good Things”. What are 3 Good Things? It is a way to increase happiness through writing records, gratitude, and blessings.
Martin Seligman advocates for people to write down 3 Good Things every day before bed, think about what happened throughout the day, and write down anything that makes you feel good, no matter how big or small, and then think about why it happened. For example, “My work went well today because a colleague helped me.” Simple and natural language is recommended for the record writing process.
Research by Martin Seligman showed that participants in 3 Good Things experienced a 9% increase in happiness after six months while also falling asleep more easily. Exercise 3 Good Things can train people to pay attention to some details of life and discover events worthy of “Thanksgiving” and “Blessing,” thereby increasing positive emotions and motivation.

Don’t have any thoughts while doing exercise 3 Good Things? Try writing down who you are thankful for today, something you love, or a compliment of yourself. Don’t forget to write down the reasons as you write because these reasons promote gratitude and happiness; make you more motivated to live, and make you fall asleep more easily.
In addition to Martin Seligman’s research, many studies also show the relationship between gratitude and happiness! For example, the study “Positive Psychology and Gratitude Interventions: A Randomized Clinical Trial” published in Psychology for Clinical Settings pointed out that exercising gratitude can help increase positive emotions and well-being while reducing Depressed mood and increased life satisfaction.
In other words, learning to be grateful is like learning to be happy, and when you are happy, your sleep quality will also improve! When people are thankful for the people or things in their lives, they can increase positive emotions and feel happy and not alone because they know that when they encounter difficulties, there are people in their lives who will provide warmth and help are not so bad.