Among the top ten diseases that cause disability, the number one is depression! The World Health Organization pointed out that depression is a major factor increasing the global burden of disease.
Los Angeles, CA (The CTP News) – According to a WHO study, three major diseases need attention in the world in 2020, including: cardiovascular disease, depression, and AIDS. The study has been confirmed! The latest report shows that depression not only causes the overall global disease burden but is also one of the main causes of human disability. Of the 7.3 billion people in the world, about 350 million people suffer from depression.
About Depression
Will depression cause human disability? Among the top ten diseases that cause disability, the first is depression, surpassing cardiovascular diseases and AIDS. In addition, in addition to lowering productivity, depression may also cause suicide attempts in some patients. According to statistics, about 15% of depression patients die by suicide, and about 700,000 people die by suicide every year worldwide. There are currently more than 350 million people suffering from depression worldwide.
Symptoms of depression include irritability, loss of interest, weight loss or gain, loss or increase in appetite, insomnia or drowsiness, slow thinking, inability to concentrate, physical exhaustion and lack of energy, thinking that life is meaningless, often self-accusation, often sad, and full of negative thoughts. Severe depression has even attempted suicide, which is a severe health issue!
Global Mental Health Investment Shortage
The WHO report shows that the world has not achieved most of its mental health goals in 2020! Including the leadership and governance of mental health, the provision of mental health services in a community environment, the promotion of mental health and prevention, and the strengthening of information systems, these goals have not come close to being achieved.
The workforce for mental health has always been insufficient. Although the average number of mental health workers in 2020 has increased slightly, there are currently only 13 mental health workers per 100,000 people, far less than the social needs. On the other hand, the difference between the number of mental health workers in high-income countries and low-income countries is more than 40 times, resulting in low-income countries being unable to obtain sufficient resources.
World Mental Health Day
October 10th just passed World Mental Health Day, a festival from the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) initiative. In recent years, suicide has been one of the leading causes of death in the world. World Mental Health Day has been advocating “suicide prevention,” advocating care for relatives and friends around them, paying attention to depression or suicide attempts, and helping them get immediate care and treatment.
The first World Mental Health Day was held in 1992. So far, institutions in more than 150 countries worldwide have cooperated to promote mental health education around the world on World Mental Health Day and advocate attention to mental health. Including publicizing the importance of mental health education, shooting films that promote mental health, setting up 24-hour psychological support services, etc.
Are there any depressed, negative, pessimistic relatives and friends around you? Accompanying and listening are the best support! If they have thoughts or behaviors of attempting suicide, this is a distress signal that means they are “very suffering.” At this time, they need more care and company, and they need to seek professional help.